What is Contoura Vision?

Contoura Vision is the latest advancement in laser vision correction for removing the need for glasses. It not only corrects your glass's power but also fixes corneal irregularities, providing much sharper vision.

How is Contoura Vision different from LASIK and SMILE?

While LASIK and SMILE only correct your glass's power, Contoura Vision goes further by correcting corneal irregularities and focusing on the visual axis, leading to better visual outcomes.

Is Contoura Vision safe?

Yes, Contoura Vision has been approved by the US FDA as the safest eye surgery available today.

How does Contoura Vision work?

Using a Topolyser, Contoura Vision maps corneal irregularities with 22,000 unique data points. It then corrects these irregularities, creating an optically perfect surface on the cornea for sharper vision.

What is the visual axis, and how does it differ from the pupillary axis?

The eye has two axes:

  • Pupillary Axis: A line passing through the centre of the eye.
  • Visual Axis: A line passing through the line of sight in the eye. There is a 5-degree difference between these two axes. Contoura Vision treats the visual axis, while LASIK and SMILE treat the pupillary axis, resulting in sharper vision with Contoura Vision.

While laser procedures such as LASIK and SMILE treat on Pupillary Axis, Contoura Vision treatment is directed towards Visual Axis, providing you much sharper visual outcomes compared to LASIK and SMILE