Area of interest- MBBS, MS (ophthl), FAEH
- Fellow- Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular oncology & Aesthetic (Aravind Eye Hospital- Madurai)
- Ex- observer – Shankar netralya (Chennai)
- Fellow in Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular oncology & Aesthetic (Aravind Eye Hospital- Madurai)
- AIOS- IJO Platinum award
- AIOS- Best paper (Lacrimal)
- OPAI- Best free paper award-
- Epidemiology, clinical profile, management, and outcome of COVID-19-associated rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis in 2826 patients in India - Collaborative OPAI-IJO Study on Mucormycosis in COVID-19 (COSMIC), Report 1
- Early management of capillary haemangioma to prevent stimulus-deprivation amblyopia
- Cellular neurothekeoma of the eyelid: A rare tumor with a common clinical presentation
- Benign ocular tumor in xeroderma pigmentosum
- Role of Mobile endoscope in dacryology
Membership: Life member
Dr. H.R.Ojha is an Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon and Ocular Oncologist graduate & Postgraduate from DMCH-Darbanga and done his fellowship in orbit, oculoplasty, ocular oncology & aesthetics from Aravind eye hospital-Madurai. Dr Ojha has a good academic background and expertise in performing basic and advanced lid, orbit and aesthetic oculoplastic surgeries.
Dr. H.R.Ojha, nationally recognized oculoplastic surgeon, has many PubMed indexed scientific publications. Dr Ojha has delivered invited scientific talks and also presented papers/posters/e-posters at national and international conferences.
Dr. Ojha belives in evidence based medicine and using his sound training in oculoplastic surgery, his keen sense of aesthetics and sharp skills, he has been able to deliver optimal outcomes in thousands of happy and satisfied patients from different parts of the india. Dr. Ojha is a life time member of many professional bodies; namely the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS), the Oculoplastics Association of India (OPAI), the oculoplastic society of south asia (OPSSA), the Bihar ophthalmic society ( BOS), UP Ophthalmic society (upsos).