Chief Consultant & founder
Director & Chief consultant of the state of art, Divyadrishti Eye Centre, Patna, having 7 consultants working together. Chief Trustee of Mohini Devi Charitable Trust for poor patients
Professional and Teaching experience:
- MBBS, Patna Medical College, Patna, 1990, Hons. in 3 subjects (PSM, FMT, Gen.Surgery)
- MD, AIIMS, New Delhi, 1994
- Ex-Senior Resident, Vitreo-retina, RPcentre, AIIMS, New Delhi
- Ex Assistant Professor, RIO, IGIMS, Patna
Scientific Activities:
- Participated as resource person in AIOS ARC PG refresher course
- Guest faculty as well as chaired/co-chaired/discussant many sessions in national & state conferences
- Performed over 50 live surgeries in Annual conferences of Bombay Ophthalmologist Association conference (BOA), Bihar Ophthal.Society(BOS), Jharkhand Ophthal.Society, EIZOC, Kolkata, Delhi Ophthal.Society, Indore Ophthamological society, UPSOS, Conference at Chennai and many other workshops
- Attended approximately 35 AIOC, 25 annual conf.of DOS, Delhi apart from other state and sub speciality conferences
- Organised many CMEs, live surgeries, hands on and IC at Divyadrishti Eye Centre at regular interval
- Guest Speaker in annual conf of SAARC, Kathmandu 2018.
- Presented Papers, posters & Video in annual conference of ESCRS, London 2016.
- Presented Papers, posters & Video in annual conference of ESCRS, Barcelona, Spain 2015.
- Papers & Video in Annual congress of ESCRS, London, Sept 2014.
- Presented 3 Free papers & video in 30th ESCRS, Milan 2012.
- Attended Annual Conf.of ESCRS, Paris 2004.
- Presented Papers & Video in annual conf. of APACRS, Jaipur 2014
- Papers & two Videos in APACRS, Singapore 2013.
- Presented free paper & video in WOC, Tokyo April 2014.
- Chaired session in WOC-2012, Abu Dhabi and presented free paper & posters.
- Featured in September issue of EyeWorld, News magazine of American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery
- Moderator in Symposium on Uvea in SAARC Academy of Ophthalmology, New Delh 2008.
- Attended Annual Conf. of AAO, Chicago, 2005.
- Attended XI international congress of Ocular Oncology, Jan 2004.
- Presented paper in annual conf. of Ophthalmological Society of Bangladesh
Membership: Life member
AIOS, Delhi Oph.Society, Bihar Oph.Society, EIZOC, Jharkhand Oph.Society, Patna Oph.Society, GSI, Uvea Society of India, VRSI, IIRSI
Organisational / Official Capabilities:
- Ex Managing committee member of All India Oph Society
- Chief Trustee of Mohini Devi Charitable Trust Vice President of Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Bihar
- Honorary eye consultant in Red Cross Patna
- Glaucoma Society of IndiaI- Ex Executive Member East Zone
- Joint Secretary of EIZOC
- Org.secretary of 30th annual conf. of EIZOC, Patna
- Chief Org.Secretary of Golden Jubilee conf. of BOS, Nov,2012, Patna, Org. Secretary of 5 Mid Term Conf. of BOS and several CME/workshops
- Organised various workshop, CME, Live surgeries
- Chairman Sci. Committee, BOS, 2013-16
- Hony.Secretary, BOS, for two terms, 2005-6 to 2011-12
- Served as Exe. member, Joint secretary, Managing Editor & Editor of Bihar Jou. of Ophthalmology
- Ex member of Managing Committee of Indian Red Cross Society, Bihar
Community Services:
- As vice president of Dadhichi Dehdan Samiti, actively involved in spreading awareness, motivating people for organ & body donation
- Conducts free comprehensive eye camp School screening of children.
- Free consultation in Red Cross Patna.
- Actively participated in comprehensive eye care camp organized by AIIIMS, New Delhi
- Organised many free eye camps, AIOS DR screening/treatment camps
- Conducted school screening, public awareness talks, Participated in various social activities like Polio vaccination drive, comprehensive eye camps as member of Rotary club, Patna
- Key campaigner in promoting eye donation