Cornea specialistFellowships:
- 2 years Comprehensive Fellowship: L.V.Prasad Eye Institute, Bhubaneswar (2012-13)
- 1 year subspecialty fellowship in Cornea and Anterior segment at L.V.Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad (2014)
Work Experience:
- Worked as Cornea, Cataract & Refractive surgery consultant with Vasan Eye Care, Bangalore from January 2015 to August 2015.
- Working as Cornea, Cataract & Refractive surgery consultant in Drishti Eye Care & Research Centre since November 2015.
- Working as Senior Resident In Patna Medical College Hospital, Patna since September, 2015.
Skills in Medical Management:
- Keratitis Management
- Ocular surface disease management
- Refractive error management
- Anterior uveitis and Scleritis Management
- Corneal trauma management
- Diseases of ocular adenexa
Surgical Skills:
- Phaco-emulsification + PCIOL (Foldable lens Implantation)
- Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgeries
- Refractive surgery
- Therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty
- Optical penetrating keratoplasty
- Triple Procedures ( PK + Cataract)
- Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Auto Graft (with sutures/ fibrin glue)
- Corneal tear repair
- Corneo-scleral tear repair
- Management of corneal perforations
- Limbal stem cell transplantation
- Boston type 1 / Auro keratoprosthesis
- Mucous membrane grafting
- Minor surgical procedures
- Management of chemical injuries
- Amniotic Membrane Graft application
- Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
- 47th Annual conference of Bihar Ophthalmological Society, Begusarai, Bihar. Oct.9th-11th,2009.
- 68th Annual Conference of AIOS, Kolkata. Jan 21-24, 2010.
- 69th Annual Conference of AIOS, Ahmedabad. Feb 3-6, 2011.
- EVIDENCE 2012, Hyderabad. May 31- June 3, 2012.
- OSOCON-2012, Puri. Dec 8-9, 2012.
- APAO-AIOS 2013, Hyderabad. Jan 17-20, 2013.
- Workshop on Ocular surface disorders, Hyderabad. Jan 28- Feb1,2014.
- 14th Annual meeting of Uveitis Society of India, New Delhi. Nov 22-23, 2014.
- Curbside Clinix in Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Bangalore. May 9-10, 2015.
- Bangalore Ophthalmological Society Conference, Bangalore. June 21-22, 2015.
- Keratosight – 3, Practical Pearls in Corneal Diseses, Bangalore. August 23, 2015.
- AIM 20-20, Bangalore, September 19-20, 2015.
- 53rd Annual conference of Bihar Ophthalmological Society, Darbhanga, Bihar. Dec 4-6, 2015.
- 74th Annual Conference of AIOC,Kolkata. Feb 25-28, 2016.
- 1st Annual Conference of Patna Ophthalmological society, Patna. April 10, 2016.
- 5th Mid-term joint conference of BOS & JHOS, Ranchi. May 29, 2016.
- 54th Annual conference of Bihar Ophthalmological Society, Bhagalpur, Bihar. Nov 11-13, 2016.
- 75th Annual Conference of AIOS, Jaipur. Feb 16-19, 2017.
- Patna Ophthalmological Society Annual Conference – POSCON 2017, Patna. April 30, 2017.
- 6th Mid-term joint conference of BOS & JHOS, Patna. June 4, 2017.
Paper Presentations:
OSOCON 2012:
- Donor and tissue profile of a community eye bank in Eastern India.
- Donor and tissue profile of a community eye bank in Eastern India.
BOSCON 2016:
- Acute bilateral toxic endotheliitis following alcohol consumption.
BOSCON 2017:
- Amniotic Membrane Grafting in Acute Stevens – Johnson Syndrome: A boon to prevent severe complications.
Poster Presentation:
14th Annual meeting of Uveitis Society of India, 2014:
- Bilateral, acute toxic endotheliitis following alcohol consumption.
53rd Annual conference of Bihar Ophthalmological Society, 2016.
- Prospective study of recurrence rate in amniotic membrane grafting with conjunctival autografting in pterygium.
75th All India Ophthalmological Society Conference, 2017.
- Amniotic Membrane Grafting in Acute Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A boon to prevent severe complications
Presentations as Faculty:
East Zone AIOS PG refresher Programme, 2016:
- Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Disorders
BOSCON 2017:
- Instruction course on Refractive Surgery: Advanced Surface Ablation
POSCON 2017:
- Ocular Stevens Johnson Syndrome: an overview
- Paticipated in Quiz competition at BOS annual conference.
- Participated in Eye-PEP 2010 at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. Sep 21 -26, 2010.
- Participated in 24th Low Vision Awareness Program at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. Sep 27-28, 2010
- Acute Bilateral Toxic Endotheliitis Following Alcohol Consumption.
Ocular Immunology & Inflammation, 2016; 00(00): 1–4;Ahead of print.
- Successful acute and late management of a chemical burn with primary implantation of Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Aug 26;2015.
- Donor and tissue profile of a community eye bank in Eastern India.
Indian Journal of ophthalmology, September 2014.
- Ahmed glaucoma valve surgery for necrotizing scleritis with secondary glaucoma. International Ophthalmology, April,2014 .
- Bacterial Keratitis: A practical Approach to Management. Bihar journal of ophthalmology, Oct. 2009.
- Tackling the challenges in management of fungal corneal ulcer. Bihar journal of ophthalmology, May, 2016.
- A practical Approach in the management of dry eye. Bihar journal of Ophthalmology, Nov 2016.
- Workshop on Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Madhubani, March 20, 2016.
- 5th Mid-term joint conference of BOS & JHOS, Ranchi. May 29, 2016.
- 54th Annual conference of Bihar Ophthalmological Society, Bhagalpur, Bihar. Nov 11-13, 2016.
- 6th Mid-term joint conference of BOS & JHOS, Patna. June 4, 2017.
- LVP-LUX Uveitis Travel Grant (2014) for 14th Annual meeting of Uveitis Society of India, 2014.
Teaching Experience:
- 1 year of teaching experience to junior fellows, DNB residents and para-clinical staff.
- Involved in SICS and Phaco training at V.Prasad Eye Institute.
- Senior Resident at Patna Medical College Hospital, Patna since September, 2015.